Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,                                                                     

Welcome to the second to last week of school.

I will be finalizing report cards over the upcoming weekend and all remaining work is due this Friday. Some students have poetry packets, make-up tests, and service learning minutes that are still not turned in. Now is the time!

Our Memorial Day ceremony was beautiful on Thursday, and students did a great job speaking of and honoring passed veterans. 

We have had a great time reading and writing poetry together; the odes students wrote were so creative! Meanwhile, our final big, ELA project is to recite our memorized poems to the class on Wednesday the 27th. Have your student practice with you and give pointers on expression, volume, posture, and clarity of voice.

Our final social studies project is due this week on either the 28th or 29th depending on whether your student was invited to go on the reading rewards trip on the 29th.  Students were invited if they missed no more than one reading log per trimester.  Please check in that your student is making progress on the civilization project which was assigned at the very beginning of last week.

Finally, my math class will have a final assessment on Thursday.

I'm attaching the calendar for the last week of school again, just because it's so crazy!

Monday, June 1 - 8:25-2:45 Regular day
Tuesday, June 2 - 8:25-2:45 Awards Assembly in the morning, report cards go home. Graduation at 6:00 pm with dance following.
Wednesday, June 3 - 8th Grade Skip Day. 6th, 7th graders have minimum day and enjoy making and eating breakfast in Mrs. Spiers' class. School out at 12:45 pm.
Thursday, June 4 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! The bus will run one hour later, arriving to school at 9:00 am . We all load up and head off to enjoy a fun day at the lake. Return to school approximately 2:15 pm. Bus run at 2:45 pm. 

You are invited to join us at the lake, however, we ask that all students stay with their class until the end of the day at which time you may choose to stay with your student and enjoy the lakeindependently.

Thank you again!

Maggie Orion

Monday, May 18, 2015

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

State testing is completed! Whew! It was a challenging two weeks, but students pushed through and worked hard to show what they know.

The Roman projects that came in were amazing! I was so proud of all the creative work that I put the projects in the hall - swing by and take a look!

This Thursday, we'll be honoring Memorial Day at the Camptonville Cemetary, and we welcome you to join us. This Friday the 22nd, we have a make-up snow day so no school, and Monday the 25th we have off for Memorial Day. Enjoy the long weekend!

With just two more (short!) weeks of school work left, we'll be finishing up our poetry unit by memorizing and performing poems as well as reading and analyzing poetry for figurative language.

We have a test on our climate change unit this Wednesday, and in social studies, students will be designing their own ancient civilization.

The last week of school has an unusual schedule that I wanted to share ahead of time.

Monday, June 1 - 8:25-2:45 Regular day
Tuesday, June 2 - 8:25-2:45 Awards Assembly in the morning, report cards go home. Graduation at 6:00 pm with dance following.
Wednesday, June 3 - 8th Grade Skip Day, 6th, 7th graders have minimum day and enjoy making and eating breakfast in Mrs. Spiers' class. School out at 12:45 pm.
Thursday, June 4 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! The bus will run one hour later, arriving to school at 9:00. We all load up and head off to enjoy a fun day at the lake. Return to school approximately 2:15 pm. Bus run at 2:45 pm.

I am still hoping for a few more sign ups for finger foods for the dance following graduation from 6th and 7th grade families.

Finally, I sent home our Needs Assessment Surveys last week and very few have come back to school. I really value constructive feedback as it helps me be a better teacher, so please consider filling those out and turning them into the office.

Thanks for all your support - we're on the home stretch!

Maggie Orion

The swanky home of a patrician in ancient Rome.


Monday, May 11, 2015

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

First off, we had a very successful visit to the Crocker Art Museum last week despite our van breaking down! Students enjoyed the range of art they were able to see, and I hope that you all received the free family pass students received. I hope they all get a chance to go back!

Our first week of testing went fairly smoothly though we were unable to finish our ELA test completely due to internet connectivity problems at the county. Therefore, we will be finishing up ELA this Monday and then beginning our math test. Please continue to encourage a good night's sleep and nutritious meals throughout the week, and try to avoid tardies and absences if possible.

This Wednesday is a minimum day and an awards assembly. We will be thanking our classroom and elective volunteers with a brunch. Thanks to all of you who have given your time and energy to the students!

This Thursday, many students will be attending the Yuba Country track meet. Because our bus is no longer working, we are hoping we can get one more parent driver for this event. We will be leaving at 11:15. Please let me know as soon as possible if you can assist in driving students. We will call parents when we are returning from the track meet to arrange pick-up (around 6 pm).

Students not attending the track meet will still have a full day of school with assignments and activities they are expected to complete.

With just a few more weeks of school left, please discuss with your child whether all community service has been accomplished and help them stick to homework responsibilities by setting aside time after school for independent reading and other assignments.

Thank you for your support!

Maggie Orion

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Class Update

                                                                                                            May 4, 2015

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

It's state testing week! Students took their first assessment in ELA this morning. Please encourage sleep and nutritious meals for this week and next week and avoid absences and tardies, if possible. We are testing in the mornings.

Students were also assigned a hands-on project for social studies last Friday. Students were given multiple options for which type of project they would prefer. This project will mostly need to be completed at home. It is due Monday, May 11th. This is an important part of their grade for our unit on Rome so please encourage wise time management.

Neurology essays were mostly completed last week. I am so impressed with how far students have come in their writing! Next, we begin our poetry unit.

This Thursday, we go on our field trip to the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento!

On Saturday, students are invited to earn community service hours at the Plant Sale from 9am-2pm selling baked goods and hot dogs. All the funds raised go towards Club Live and graduation. All Club Live members must attend unless otherwise arranged. If you are able to contribute baked goods to the sale, please send them with your student - it really helps!

Finally, there is another opportunity for students to participate in a track meet. This meet will take place, Thursday, May 14th in Yuba City. We will be providing transportation. Depending on what events students are interested in, we may not be back at school until 6 pm. Permission slips to attend must be returned this Thursday.

Thank you!

Maggie Orion