Sunday, August 17, 2014

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

So far, so good! We spent the first three days learning about each other, the classroom, and the procedures for this class. We've got a great group!

This week, we'll officially start our academic work. I have assessed students for reading and mathematics. The results will determine their math placement and reading supports.

Please check your student's homework sheet every evening and initial their reading minutes to begin a healthy homework habit right at the start. Discuss with your student when he or she will set aside time to complete homework and where finished homework will be placed to be ready for school the next day.

Mark your calendars for August 28th when we'll be hosting Back-to-School night. We'll be serving dinner promptly at 5:15 and there will be an important message from the principal following the meal. My class presentation will begin at 6:40 though you are welcome to come chat with me earlier.

A few of you have expressed interest in volunteering in the classroom or for special activities.  I can always use extra assistance in and outside of the classroom. With our small staff, every extra ounce of effort helps! A volunteer sign up sheet will be going home with your students.

Additionally, students are signing up for electives this week. This trimester we are offering Gardening and Cooking, Woodworking, Sign Language, Creative Writing, Art, and K, 1, 2 Teacher's Assistantships. 

Thank you for your support!

Maggie Orion

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