Friday, November 7, 2014

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

The trimester has officially ended. This week your students are reporting out on their Genius Hour projects. I was so excited by the variety of topics that were chosen and the amount of creativity students poured into their presentations. Just to give you an idea, some of the topics were:

Why do we forget?
How to make a homemade slushy and why it works.
Why are Americans obese?
The history of Native American beading.
Swedish baking (tasty treat included!)
Biography of a favorite musician
Does Bigfoot exist?

Meanwhile, I'm busy filling out report cards and the students are busy practicing their presentation skills for Veteran's day. Please consider joining us at the cemetary to plant bulbs at our local veterans' gravesites and honor all those who have and continue to serve in our country's military. .

Please note on your calendars: Tuesday, there is no school in honor of Veteran's Day. Wednesday is a half day for our Awards Assembly. And Friday, we are hosting a Fun Night for the upper grades - a permission slip was sent home last Friday.

I look forward to meeting with each of you next week. If you forgot your conference time feel free to send a note with your student.

During our conference, I will be introducing you to our new report cards. Teachers, staff, and administration began creating the report cards over summer to reflect the new standards. The new report cards allow us to evaluate students on effort, capability, and social, emotional, and behavioral skills. They look quite a bit different, so be prepared! I've uploaded a blank report card in the previous post that has a bit more explanation if you're curious. The students have had a chance to look them over too.

Finally, we have just begun preparing for our annual Winter Program - a night of student entertainment and community fun. You may hear requests for props and there will likely be some at-home memorizing in your child's future. This year the Winter Program will be held December 11th in the evening.

Thank you for your support,

Maggie Orion

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