Monday, December 8, 2014

Some Words of Gratitude...

Excerpts from student blogs are below:
Country Living: I am thankful for my house and where I live because I get a lot of different privileges because I live in the forest . For example, if I walk ten feet out of my yard, you are in straight up forest. I can go on walks for miles without having to stop because of fences or yards. Finally I can have lots of animals. For example I have five dogs, one cat, and puppies on the way. - Chase
Books: I am thankful for books. I love reading books because I can experience other peoples' lives and see through their eyes what their life is like. One of my favorite books is The Falconer. I enjoy imagining things and books let me imagine whole scenarios. Another reason why I like reading is because books give me ideas on writing and stories, and one day I want to write a book. I also just read when I'm bored or want to escape to another world and another life. -Rachel
Pets: The third aspect why I have a lot of gratitude, for are my dogs and my cat. I love when my dogs get so excited to see me they splash mud all over me. I also love when my cat kneads on me when I am holding her. When I go to my fort they all follow me and make sure I am safe. -Miya
The Sun: One of the things that I am grateful for and is vital for my survival is the sun. Most kids my age don't know how vital the sun is. I feel that every one should have gratitude for the sun considering that it's one of the most important things in life. The sun is a beautiful and deadly thing, at any moment the sun could explode, have a solar flare, or burn out. I am most grateful that the sun is around to keep the world alive and doesn't kill us with any of those things that I listed. - Gaven
Eating: I'm thankful for the great meals that I eat every night. About a week ago, my mom and grandma made homemade chicken tacos with salsa and whatever you wanted on it. It was delicious! Im lucky to eat every night. If I'm not hungry right at that moment then whoever is cooking makes sure to save some and put it in the fridge for me to heat up later.When I am hungry I ask somebody if they can make me food and they do. I am thankful that I get to eat food and drink water. - Phoenix

Sports: I am thankful for all sports, but one in particular basketball. Basketball helps me though a lot of tough and emotional times. It makes me happy. Every time I play it I enjoy every second except when my brother beats me, but it's ok because it builds up my skills in the sport. Playing basketball takes my mind off of everything that is bothering me so I forget about it. also, it keeps me in shape. I play it a lot, not so much in school anymore because how we play at school is not real basketball rules, but I play it everyday after school by my self or with Brandon at home. I play many sports, but basketball will always be my favorite sport. - Mikynna
Organic Food: I am grateful that my parents keep me very well fed. A lot of the food my parents feed me is organic food and drinks. For instance, my family has a garden and my mother grows greens, vegetables, and some fruits in it. We also have a few fruit trees hanging around our property since we moved there. Our neighbor has an apple orchard down the road. Also, just about every time we go to the store, my mother picks up organic milk and organic food. I know this because when she go's to the store, it is common for us to go with her. - Gavin

School: My third thing that I'm grateful for is school, I'm thankful for school because without it I wouldn't be able to get a good job and I would be poor. school can be very fun, for instance one time my class had P.E with the K-1-2 class and we played capture the flag and it was a lot of fun. School can also be boring, school can be fun but it also has it's boring times where your like, "WHEN IS THIS GOING TO END!". There are also those times when you learn things, and i call it the learnful time of school (but that subject doesn't come that often) just kidding there is a LOT of learning for instants a while ago I learned what a density tower is in science. To make a density tower you take tow or more liquids or more and poor them in to a graduated slender. the liquid that settles at the bottom is the most dense, and the liquid that settles at the top is less dense. I think school is AWESOME. - Gianni
The Small Things: I have a weird relationship with this spider that I call Rosco. He is a big, black, grey, and white spider the size of a quarter. He comes into the window every night, we have a little conversation here and there but most of the time we just stare at each other. I named him Rosco because he reminds me of a dog named Rosco. The dog ,Rosco, had the same colors as the spider and kind of act the same. I love Rosco the spider because when I talk to him it is as if he understands my words and cares about what I'm saying. This morning he started to create a huge web outside my window. It is so beautiful when it catches the light and gets that rainbow color to it. The frost was crystallizing the web this morning and it was so beautiful. Some of the things the spider and I talk about is the holidays, the weather, and each other. When I mentioned Christmas he scooted closer to me, his six cloudy eyes widened with wonder. I show my gratitude to this strange little friend. - Dakota
Family: One of those "life helpers" are my parents. They help me with so many things, but one of the most important things is helping me have a career in music. They never quit helping me even now. If it wasn't for them, I probably wouldn't even enjoy the music I crave. It is always incredible to have committed parents that won't quit at helping and supporting you. I will also never forget that they feed me, house me, hydrate, and teach me. They also throw a lot of money away for me, even in these hard times, and I am very grateful for that. For example, they bought me expensive instruments and electronics. - Kyle

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