Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

I hope you enjoyed your three-day weekend!

Progress Reports were sent home Friday and I am requiring students to return the signature section indicating that you received the current grades.

Students have been doing great thinking, discussing and writing in our Black Ships Before Troy unit. In science, many have risen to the challenge of understanding atoms, elements, and the periodic table's organizational structure.

As most of you know, our mechanical babies were not able to be delivered on schedule. I still have no information on a new date for delivery.

This last week we were joined by a Sacramento County of Education curriculum expert to help us discuss our new math curriculum. We learned that compared to most other schools we are right on track (and in some cases ahead) with implementing Common Core math. The trials and tribulations in transitioning are being shared across the state. Overall, we continue to feel strongly that using our Engage math program means that students are learning concepts at a deeper level and that this is a positive move for our school.

More math homework is being sent home. If you want some resources to support your student with this math, you can find videos and other instructional supports at the website below. If your student is in my class, click on 6th grade and if your student is in Michele's class, click on 7th grade. The module number and lesson number are on each packet that your student brings home.  If you'd like me to walk you through this, just schedule a quick meeting.

Please note we are still doing spelling this week.

Take care,

Maggie Orion

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