Monday, April 27, 2015

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

We enjoyed Spirit Week last week with creative and comical outfits and hairdos. The teachers closed it out with a Taylor Swift parody performance for state testing! State Testing in my class begins next week so please help students prepare by encouraging them to be well slept and well fed Monday, May 4th.

Progress reports were sent home last week with current grades and hours left of community service.

Students worked diligently on their final argumentative essay regarding screen time and its effects on the adolescent brain.

Finally, 8th grade graduation will be held on the evening of June 2nd. Many students from the middle school class generally attend graduation and the dance afterwards. You are all invited to join us in celebrating our eighth graders (there will be cake!).

Thank you!

Maggie Orion

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Both the Reading Marathon and the field trip to the library were great successes! Thank you for all your support! Students checked out the 3d printers, computer lab, and teen section as well as participated in a Scavenger Hunt. The librarians complimented their respectful behavior throughout the visit. Consider stopping by and checking out the library calendar as there are ongoing events including movie nights and technology classes - all for free!

Again, I invite you all to our Monday, April 27th, stakeholder meeting after school to share your ideas on how best to use our budget to support students at Camptonville.

We will begin state testing in English May 4th-8th and in math, May 11th-15th. It would be helpful if students could avoid absences during those weeks if possible. Testing will be during the morning so, if possible, schedule doctor or dentist appointments in the afternoon. I will send out more reminders, but wanted to give you a chance to mark your calendars as those weeks we encourage students to get extra sleep and nutritious breakfasts.

Volunteer Requests
I scheduled a field trip to the Crocker Art museum in Sacramento on May 7th. I will need one or two parent drivers to provide enough transportation. If you are able, please let me know as soon as possible via email or telephone. We will be leaving at 9:00 am and returning by 2:30 pm.

Additionally, we are officially prepping for 8th grade graduation. As many of you know, we always go the extra mile to make this event special for our eighth graders. If you are willing to volunteer for decorations, set-up, cleanup, please let me know as soon as possible via email or telephone. Barbara Hogan will be managing decorations and will contact you.

Finally, many students still do not have their necessary hours completed for community service. I have helped some students connect with community service projects on campus, but not everybody has stepped up to taking responsibility for putting in time. Please discuss with your students what his or her plans are for completing community service requirement and know that we withhold graduation diplomas for incomplete community service in middle school.

I'll be sending home progress reports on Tuesday which will require your signature.

Thanks for you support!

Maggie Orion

Monday, April 13, 2015

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

This week we wrap up our Reading Marathon. Encourage your students to get their final sponsors and read A LOT! All money and forms need to be turned in by Thursday. We will be celebrating students who participated with a trip to the library this Friday. Permission slips went home last week.

Scholastic book order forms were also sent home last week and need to be turned in by this Thursday. 

Consider marking your calendar for April 27th when we will be hosting our annual Local Control Accountability Plan meeting for stakeholders. Mrs. Ross will be sharing information about how we use our school budget and listening to your feedback.

Electives are off to a great start!

Thanks for your continued support,

Maggie Orion

Monday, April 6, 2015

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome back from Spring Break.  As usual at this point in the year, I feel like the school year seems to be flying by!

Please note, tomorrow is our monthly awards assembly and minimum day. Students will be let out at 12:45.

Our Reading Marathon is in full swing. We kicked it off at the end of last week. My class paired up with little buddies from the K-1-2 class to read a special book and create a beautiful coat of arms for the story. After that my class facilitated medieval themed activities in honor of our Reading Marathon them: Love Your Library Crusade!

Please encourage and help your student fundraise and read, read, read throughout the duration of the marathon. We will end on the 16th and all funds should be turned in at that point. We will take a half-day field trip on the 17th to celebrate all the students’ hard work – more info coming soon.

We will be diving into the portion of our neurology unit where we look at the effects of screen time on the brain. In social studies we will be continuing on with ancient Rome. In science, we are still working on our climate change unit. We will be looking at poetry and literature terms for our vocabulary focus as these will definitely come up on the state test. Our testing for the new Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) will begin in May while 8th graders will get going on the state science exams next week.

Thanks for all your support!

Maggie Orion