Monday, April 6, 2015

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome back from Spring Break.  As usual at this point in the year, I feel like the school year seems to be flying by!

Please note, tomorrow is our monthly awards assembly and minimum day. Students will be let out at 12:45.

Our Reading Marathon is in full swing. We kicked it off at the end of last week. My class paired up with little buddies from the K-1-2 class to read a special book and create a beautiful coat of arms for the story. After that my class facilitated medieval themed activities in honor of our Reading Marathon them: Love Your Library Crusade!

Please encourage and help your student fundraise and read, read, read throughout the duration of the marathon. We will end on the 16th and all funds should be turned in at that point. We will take a half-day field trip on the 17th to celebrate all the students’ hard work – more info coming soon.

We will be diving into the portion of our neurology unit where we look at the effects of screen time on the brain. In social studies we will be continuing on with ancient Rome. In science, we are still working on our climate change unit. We will be looking at poetry and literature terms for our vocabulary focus as these will definitely come up on the state test. Our testing for the new Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) will begin in May while 8th graders will get going on the state science exams next week.

Thanks for all your support!

Maggie Orion

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