Sunday, September 13, 2015


 Please sign permission slips and behavior contract for the Oct. 7-9 field trip. The packet was sent home on Friday. I need these back by Wednesday for students to attend.

Please keep getting those sponsors for the Run-Walk-athon! They are critical to our field trip.

I have sent home a few graded quizzes including two spelling tests and a figurative language assessment from our literature unit. Grades for homework and assessments are posted online as well.  
 Upcoming Dates
§  Wednesday, September 23rd is a Minimum Day. Students released at 12:45.

 We will look at the legacy of Ancient Rome to finalize our fast track Rome unit. There will be an test on Friday!

There will be more geological investigations on the colorful stripes in the Grand Canyon during science.

We will finish watching, reading Steve Jobs' commencement address and make our final connections to Bud Not Buddy. Then on to analyzing President Barack Obama's 2009 back to school speech.

Soccer starts in PE!

Updates and Info
Our class analyzed over half of Steve Jobs' 2005 commencement address to Stanford graduates and compared his life experiences to Bud's. In history, we learned about the Byzantine Empire and the fall of Rome. During science we explored the history and geology of the Grand Canyon ending with a very fun hands-on observation of still-as-yet unidentified rocks on Friday. In health we learned about bones, joints, and fractures.

It makes such a difference in students' scores when they study for quizzes at home. Consider offering your student to quiz them on spelling, vocabulary cards (6th grade only), and the upcoming social studies test on Rome. They have notes on the history content and are always welcome to take their book home to study.

The speeches we analyze in class are on YouTube if you're interested!

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