Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Newsletter: A Regular Schedule

This week we are focusing on polishing our Winter Program performance. Costumes need to be brought to school by Wednesday.

If there are any doubts that your student will be able to attend the Winter Program performance, please let me know as soon as possible.

As usual check those student planners and encourage nightly reading.

Upcoming Dates
§  December 9th, 10th, and 18th are all minimum days.
§  December 10th, we perform our Winter Program at 6:00 pm.
§  Winter Break begins December 19th and extends through January 3rd.

8th graders will continue on the Judicial branch and then focus on the Amendments.

6th and 7th graders will continue work on grammar. There will be a quiz this week.

6th and 7th graders will also be working on narrative writing.

Update and Info
I hope everyone enjoyed a few extra days away from school.  We are back to a regular week schedule.

We will be drawing names for our Secret Santa gift exchange this week. Gifts should be under $10 and homemade presents are encouraged. Our annual tradition is to have a little holiday season party on December 18th to share kind thoughts and treats.

Students who were sick are still responsible for making up missed work. There is no penalty for being tardy, obviously, but it is their responsibility to turn in missing assignments.

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