Friday, September 5, 2014

Animal Symbols

Students wrote their first blog post on their personal blogs describing what animal they thought represented them best. The class then practiced commenting and feedback etiquette on each others' blog posts.

Below are three examples of students' writing and, of course, their creative self-portraits made with the SplitPic app on the iPad.

I think that the water snake symbolizes me because I love water, and water snakes do too, I mean, duh, it is in the name. I also think I am like a water snake because they are so absolutely amazing at hiding! I too am great at hiding. I like to try to be stealthy, and everybody knows that snakes are very stealthy. When I was five, I found a three-foot water snake. I was really close to it, and everyone said it was going to bite me, but for some reason I looked it in the eye and it didn’t. I got real close to it and caught it. Ever since then, I have always loved water snakes. Also, every year I am always at the lake swimming. Even when school started up, I am there after school. I am there swimming just like a water snake. Overall I think I am mostly like a water snake.

I think I am a Dog, because I am very protective of my family and friends. The Dog is a symbol to me because I am very very protective. One time my friend was getting made fun of and I told the bully that they weren’t any different from my friend. Another time was when someone was being rude to me, and I told them that they must be insecure of themselves because they were making fun of me. I am a very protective person.

Teaching is another characteristic of mine. A real life story is when I do something bad my sister comes and copies me so I taught her to not do bad things. Another one is when my dogs were being bad I had to teach them that they should not do that.

The animal I picked that symbolizes me is a lion. The characteristic that a lion has that I have is being athletic. I am a person that would rather be outside than inside because being active makes you more healthier than just sitting at home eating donuts. The way that I am athletic is by playing football where I dash, leap, clash into people. I also play other sports that keep me active like basketball, wrestling, and track and field. When I was about three years old I started gymnastics and I didn’t even know that I did this until about a year ago so I don’t know much. I do know that I did do flips, back hand springs, and the splits I know that must have hurt. Finally lions are many things but being athletic is one of most important I think because thats how they catch they prey and fight off predators.

Another characteristic that I have that a lion has is being stubborn. Being stubborn meaning I like doing things my own way, and I think that lions are stubborn because they never listen to their trainers and when they do its with a bad attitude. Last year when my acquaintance and I did a science project together he wanted to do it one way and I wanted to do it another way and resulted in a extensive controversy. Also in Physical Education I argued with the instructor about what we should do for exercise. In conclusion I would like to say that I hate being stubborn because it gets me in distress to much.

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