Sunday, September 28, 2014

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Students' progress reports are headed home. Please note that there are no grades generated for P.E., Spanish, or Character Education. Those will be finalized at the trimester.

Many students have not yet received a grade for reading accountability which is either because they have not finished an Accelerated Reader test on a novel or because I have not collected their reading responses to articles and nonfiction they read at home. Please be reminded that reading accountability is 25% of their reading grade so students who are unable to take an AR test for their nightly reading should be writing responses nightly.

Students in my math class will be taking their mid-module assessment very soon and this will impact their math grade substantially.  Study hard!

I have also included a short note for each student to give you and your student a sense of strengths and areas for improvement.

As a reminder, our field trip to the ropes course is this Wednesday. We are leaving promptly at 8:25 and returning 4:45. Please ensure your child wears comfy, warm clothes - layers are suggested for the morning - and close toed shoes.

The class enjoyed learning a bit of Kuk Sool Won on Friday and we hope to invite them back again. If your student was interested in doing more martial arts, Tony is offering a free six week class starting October 20th at the Parent's Resource Center in North San Juan. Call 292-3174 with questions or to secure a spot (no drop-ins will be allowed).
Thank you all,

Maggie Orion

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