Thursday, October 9, 2014

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Wow! We had a great time at Synergia Ropes Course this Wednesday. Every single student tried an activity out of their comfort zone and I was impressed by what students shared in their hour long write reflecting on their adventures at the ropes course. I will be posting photos and some quotes from students' writing on the website over our October break next week so be sure to check in!

This week we have school picture day on Tuesday. Students also have a science test on Friday, and my math class has a math test on Tuesday. Students have science notes and spelling homework to help them study at home. Please consider quizzing them and encourage them to spend time studying at home.

Next week is October break. There will not be homework over break except for independent reading minutes which will require your signature.

October break is a great time for students to earn hours toward their required community service. They all have their time logs in their binder. This year we are not offering Books and Breakfast with the K, 1, 2 class (unless someone would like to volunteer to host it?) so it's important that students seek opportunities outside of school to help out the community.

The academic update is that in reading and language arts we are practicing summarizing articles and short stories. In science we are looking at the big picture of physical science and learning the main concepts and terminology related to mass, the atomic theory of matter, temperature, and energy. In social studies, we are still working through the effects of agriculture 10,000 years ago.

I have also introduced students to Genius Hour. Starting this week, students will be picking their own projects and topics to research and create. Genius Hour was very engaging and exciting last year because students were given the reigns on their education. You may hear some unusual requests or research topics from your child, but please support them in creating their own learning!

Thank you and enjoy next week's autumn break,

Maggie Orion

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