Monday, October 19, 2015

Newsletter: Welcome Back!

Stay in the habit of checking and signing Student Planners. This is especially important now that students are earning reading minutes at home. 90-100 minutes is an A. 80-89 minutes is a B. 70-79 is a C. Students must either take an AR test on novels they complete or if there is no test, write a short book report. Students may write a response for articles they choose to read. To be eligible for the Reading Rewards trip at the end of the year, students must read 100 minutes per week throughout the trimester (one missed week is allowed though it must be made up).

Progress Reports were sent home on Tuesday, Oct. 6. If it was misplaced or you need more information, please contact me.

Upcoming Dates
§  November 4th is a minimum day. Students will be released at 12:45.

In ELA, we will be writing a literary argument essay responding to Bud, Not Buddy. This will require students pull evidence from the text to back up their arguments.

In social studies, we are moving onto the history of Africa.

In science we are still focusing on weathering and erosion.

Updates and Info
Marin Headlands was beautiful! We hiked, played, learned, ate, and sung songs around the campfire! We also worked through the emotional ups and downs expected when we spend 60 straight hours together! Overall, a success! Thanks for the late pick-up!

I'll be posting photos on the website soon.

Overall students did less well on this last social studies test though quite a few did great. On all tests including math, English, science, and social studies, I allow students to make their grade up to a C if they earned a D or lower. I do this because learning is my ultimate goal, not the grade. Students don't always take the opportunity to make their grades up. Please know that students can make their grades up at home but many need support. I offer Intervention support Mondays from 3-4 almost every week. Please consider sending your student to this free and highly individualized time.

Students may make up test grades by writing short paragraphs regarding each question they missed, numbering them, and attaching these answers to the test. They may use their books.  

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