Sunday, October 25, 2015

Newsletter: Halloween Schedule and Parent Conferences

I'll be sending home parent conference schedules next week which will be held Nov. 18th - 20th. Feel free to write me a note if there are any times those days that you wont be able to meet.

We are beginning initial practices for our Winter Program, a school-wide evening of theater! This year it will be Dec. 10th. Mark calendars!

We will be hosting a Halloween Costume Showcase and Shin Dig on Friday from 1:15-2:30. Students should not come to school dressed up. We will begin dressing up at 1:00 pm. Parents are welcome.

Upcoming Dates
§  November 4th is a minimum day.
§  November 11th is Veteran's Day - no school.
§  November 13th is the end of the trimester
§  November 18-20 are minimum days for parent conferences.
§  November 25-27, we are off for the holidays.

In ELA, we will continue writing a literary argument essay responding to Bud, Not Buddy. This will require students pull evidence from the text to back up their arguments.

In social studies, each student group is becoming experts on one lesson about the history of Africa. Students will then be teaching each other.

In science we are still focusing on weathering and erosion.

Updates and Information
Our class debated opposing literary arguments, wrote reflective essays about our Headlands field trip, made homemade sand from chunks of granite, and worked in small group collaboration on social studies.

Come check out our display in the hallway of photographs and anecdotes relating to our field trip! There are quite a few special memories that were captured.

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