Monday, November 2, 2015

Newsletter: Wrapping Up The First Trimester!

Students will need to turn in completed forms for Service Learning hours for this trimester on Thursday. Reminder, students need to complete their allotted hours every year in middle school to be eligible to receive a diploma from Camptonville School.

Parent conference schedules are being sent home. Please confirm or reschedule by Wednesday. You will recieve your student's report card at our meeting.

Math test at the beginning of next week for students in my math and a history test on Africa next Monday.

Upcoming Dates
§  November 4th is a minimum day.
§  November 11th is Veteran's Day - no school.
§  November 13th is the end of the trimester
§  November 18-20 are minimum days for parent conferences.
§  November 25-27, we are off for the holidays.

In ELA, we will revise our first draft of our literary argument responding to Bud, Not Buddy.

Student groups will present about their assigned social studies lesson. There will be a test and the students wrote the questions!

I will be collecting science notebooks at the end of the week for a final grade!

We will be practicing our Veteran's Day speech and poem.

Scripts for the winter program will be heading home for practice.

Updates and Information
Student posted essays on our class blog, created powerpoint presentations on the history of Africa in social studies, learned about physical and chemical weathering in science, and completed a first draft of their literary arguments relating to Bud's "rules to live by". Then we had a Halloween party!

Please consider joining us at 1pm on November 9th as our whole school joins together at the Camptonville cemetary to honor our veterans. We would especially like to welcome veteran friends and family members. We will also be planting flower bulbs on the graves of veterans buried at the cemetary. 

We are always looking for elective leaders. Electives for second trimester begin in December. Do you or someone you know have an interest in sharing skills with our students? Music, technology, survival, arts and crafts, cooking, drama! Please contact me.

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