Monday, November 9, 2015

Newsletter: Last Week of Trimester

I'm tardy on posting this on the blog though, of course, it was sent home with all students last week. There's still some useful information!

We are on the last week of the trimester!

Report card will be distributed at Parent Conferences next week.

There is a history test scheduled for this Thursday.

Upcoming Dates
§  November 11th is Veteran's Day - no school.
§  November 13th is the end of the trimester
§  November 18-20 are minimum days for parent conferences.
§  November 25-27, we are off for the holidays.
§  December 10th 6:00 we perform Winter Program.

In ELA, we are playing with some creative writing techniques and practicing for the Winter Program.

In social studies, we have a test on Thursday. 8th graders will begin Constitution studies which will require some homework – good preparation for highschool!

My math group has a cumulative test on ratios, rates and percents on Thursday.

In science we are still focusing on weathering and erosion.

Updates and Info
Students finished final drafts of literary arguments, discussed and debated on the class blog, summarized current news stories, presented their Keynote presentations for social studies and practiced their Veteran’s Day performance.  

It’s time to begin thinking about costumes for your student’s performance in the play. Discuss with your student what type of outfit they will need, and begin looking through closets and thrift stores. The sooner costumes can be brought to school, the better. Thanks in advance!

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