Sunday, January 10, 2016

Newsletter: Progress Reports and Fast Internet

Progress reports will be going home at the end of next week. Please know that these grades will be greatly impacted by subsequent projects and assessments. They are snapshots of where your student is in the moment. I need confirmation that you received these reports, so there will be a signature page attached.

Yakshi is offering free study support to middleschoolers and highschoolers after school on Thursdays in the library. Please reach out if you are interested!

Please call the office if your student is going home with another parent or adult. We cannot release students with adults who are not on their emergency forms. Unfortunately, we’ve had a lot of issues with this lately.

Upcoming Dates
§  This Wednesday, January 13 is a minimum day and awards assembly.

§  January 18, we are off for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

In ELA, we will continue on a research project. This week, students will be assessed on reading for gist, identifying relevant details for a research question, and participating successfully in productive academic discussion.

In social studies we will finish our commercial regarding an invention made during the Golden Age in China. Next up, we’ll be learning about the Mongol invasion and Genghis Khan.

In science, we will be discovering the process of fossil creation.

Updates and Info
Students illustrated the process of sedimentary rock formation in science; began their advertising commercial for an invention from the Han, Tang, or Song Chinese dynasties; learned how advertisers use pathos, logos, and ethos in attracting consumers; and began their research project for a rule to live by. 

We got fast internet! This has been an incredibly complex, technical (and often frustrating) process, but thankfully Mrs. Ross has finally shepharded us into a new age of high speed connection! Thank you, Mrs. Ross!

A fresh bout of cold and flu germs are moving through the school. Please help your student drink lots of clear fluids and get plenty of rest to stay healthy. Also, please keep sick students home to avoid spreading further illness. If you can pick up homework at the end of the day, I can send home some. If possible, keep them reading! 

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