Monday, January 25, 2016

Newsletter: Endings and Beginnings

Thank you for your signatures on the progress report. Please be reminded that you can sign up and check student grades through my online grade book. If you need a reminder on your login and password, just send a note.

Upcoming Dates
§  February 10th is a minimum day.

§  February 12th and 15th, we have no school.

§  February 26th is the end of the trimester.

In ELA, we will post our essays on the Kidblog and then begin our brand new unit: Voices of Adversity.

In social studies, students will learn about the history of Japan.

In science, we will explore the magnitude of geological time.

Updates and Info
Students identified and sketched fossils as well as correlated rock formations to their ancient environments. They finished an essay on the history of China and are just about done with final drafts of their rule to live by. They started tumbling in P.E.!

With our speedy internet, many students are hopping online for supplementary math through Khan Academy when we finish our regular math lessons early. They all have logins and passwords for this program. I encourage students, who are able to work, on Khan Academy at home to fill in gaps in their math foundations or accelerate themselves through grade level math. It's an amazing, free resource for families!

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