Monday, February 1, 2016

Newsletter: Service Learning and a Special Message for 8th Graders

The trimester ends the 26th and I will be collecting service learning forms on February 19th. Please check in with your student about how he or she plans to fulfill this requirement.

6th grade students need to complete 6 hours during the school year. 7th grade students need to comple 9 hours, and 8th grade students need to complete 12 hours. This is a graduation requirement.

Upcoming Dates
§  February 10th is a minimum day.

§  February 12th and 15th, we have no school.

§  February 26th is the end of the trimester.

§  Families of 8th Graders: There are two special dates for you to consider. First, February 16th at 6pm in the NU Theater, ther eis an opportuny for prospective students and families to learn more about NU's academic offerings, sports program, and extracurriculars. Lots of staff will be on hand to speak individually with families.

§  Second, the NU counselor is visiting Camptonville to talk with the 8th graders on February 24th at 12:30. You are welcome to join. Students usually discuss their math, science, and elective options at this time as well as other program choices.

We are making our very own Coat of Arms for our Medieval Ages project. Students will design the project in class and then will need to complete it at home. Please help your student with time management and materials to ensure this project is completed well. Students will write a reflective essay in class.

In science, we begin on igneous rocks.

In ELA, we will do a short research essay on adversity in Medieval Ages.

Updates and Info
Students showed off  their independent Cornell note taking skills for Japanese history, and I was impressed! They learned about geological time lines and index fossils in science. In ELA we began our new unit on "Giving Voice To Adversity" by reading and responding to nonfiction articles about the lives of Europeans during the Middle Ages. Our Rules to Live By essays are finished and posted!

With our speedy internet, many students are hopping online for supplementary math through Khan Academy when we finish our regular math lessons early. They all have logins and passwords for this program. I encourage students, who are able to work, on Khan Academy at home to fill in gaps in their math foundations or accelerate themselves through grade level math. It's an amazing, free resource for families!

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