Friday, February 26, 2016

Newsletter: New Trimester!

Welcome to the 3rd Trimester! Report cards from last trimester will be going home Monday the 7th.

This trimester students will be assigned service learning if it is not completed. Please consider scheduling some final service learning activities over Spring Break.

Elective forms are being sent home today. Please sign and return by Tuesday for priority choice. We are not able to offer a Yearbook elective this trimester which means we may not have a yearbook this year. If you are able to volunteer or provide resources towards producing a school-wide yearbook, please contact us.

Upcoming Dates
§  March 2nd, Bitney Springs counselor visit.
§  March 9th is a minimum day.
§  Spring Break runs from March 21st-28th – back to school on the 29th.

In ELA, we will be writing a personal reflection on the finished Coats of Arms which were MAGNIFICENT! Can’t wait to show them off.

In social studies we will be transitioning to studying cultures in the Americas.

In science, we are learning about tectonic plates, volcanoes, and earthquakes.

On Wednesday at 10:15 we will be welcoming the Bitney Springs highschool counselor to discuss their program.

Updates and Info
Students reflected on the meaning of their shield elements in an essay. We also read and had in-depth discussion regarding the characters' lives in Good Masters, Sweet Ladies. We also had several visitors last week including the NU counselor and a former student discussing highschool options. Additionally we had a wonderful, enriching experience learning survival skills with Foxwalker Rick Berry.

6th graders will be doing Spanish with Yakshi third trimester and there will be no more Mr. K vocabulary cards.

7th and 8th graders will be doing Spanish through Duolingo, an online application.

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