Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Newsletter: Reading Marathon and End of Trimester


This is the last week of the second trimester. Report cards will be going home Monday the 7th.

Student participation in the Reading Marathon is essential for supporting our extra curricular efforts. Please encourage your student to set goals, log minutes and seek sponsors.

8th grade parents: Please make sure your student can participate in Friday’s fundraiser for 8th grade skip day. 8th graders are expected to help prepare and serve dinner and need to be there from 4-8:30pm. Please contact Christina Ledson or Annie Garcia with further questions.

Upcoming Dates
§  Come celebrate the end of the trimester and support 8th grade Skip Day by attending movie night this Friday the 26th. Only a $7 donation and dinner starts at 5:30!
§  March 9th is a minimum day.
§  Spring Break runs from March 21st-28th – back to school on the 29th.

In ELA, we will be writing a personal reflection on the finished Coats of Arms which were MAGNIFICENT! Can’t wait to show them off.

In social studies we will be looking at the Crusades.

In science, we will be welcoming special guests from a nature program called Foxwalkers to spend some time outdoors, hands on, exploring rocks as tools and other survival skills.

Updates and Info
Students drummed and danced to kick-off our Rhythm and Reading Rewards Marathon! They also plotted volcanoes on a world map using longitude and latitude coordinates and participated in a Reader’s Theater rendition of the signing of the Magna Carta. Students read and responded to several monologues from our new class book Good Masters, Sweet Ladies.

The NU counselor is coming this Wednesday at 12:30 to meet with 8th graders. Parents of all middle school students are welcome to attend.

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