Monday, March 14, 2016

Newsletter: Reading Marathon Ends, Spring Break Right Around the Corner

Thank you to everyone who helped support the Reading Marathon. Winners for minutes and money raised will be announced at the next Awards Assembly.

If you have questions regarding report cards, please reach out to me.

Enjoy Spring Break!

Upcoming Dates
§  Spring Break runs from March 21st-28th. Back to school Tuesday the 29th.
§  March 31st, Family Math Night and Icecream Social.
§  April 6th and April 13th are minimum days. School releases at 12:45.

In ELA, we will finish our essays in response to Good Masters, Sweet Ladies and begin on our next book!

In science, we will be looking at mountains and metamorphic rock.

In social studies, we will be working in expert groups to develop a Prezi presentation for the whole class.

Updates and Info

Students enjoyed local theater on our Friday field trip. We finished up our unit on eathquakes, volcanoes and plate tectonics and began our exploration into the Olmec, Maya, Aztec, and Inca cultures. Students began their literary argument essays in response to Good Masters, Sweet Ladies. Students ended the Reading Marathon and raised money to support extracurricular activities.

Family Math Night and Icecream Social will be held March 31st when we come back from break. Students can earn extra credit or volunteer hours for participating in this evening of fun and learning!

Mark your calendars for Show it Off Day, April 29th, 1:45-2:45. Students will be doing a percussion performance and then will show off their blogs, iMovies, science journals and artwork they've completed throughout the year.

If you are able to volunteer to facilitate the creation of yearbook for this year, please let me know. We were not able to offer a yearbook elective this year.

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