Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Newsletter: Welcome Back!

Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed some rest and relaxation over break.

Please join us for Family Math Night and Icecream Social on March 31st from 6-7pm. My students may earn extra credit or service learning hours for participating in the evening.

We are on the homestretch which means we've got state testing right around the corner! I will be announcing dates for testing soon.

Upcoming Dates
§  March 31st, Family Math Night and Icecream Social.
§  April 6th and April 13th are minimum days. School releases at 12:45.


In ELA, we will continue analyzing concrete poetry for theme by reading Blue Lipstick and Technically It's Not My Fault.

In science, we will be looking at mountains and metamorphic rock.

In social studies, we will be working in expert groups to develop a Prezi presentation for the whole class.

Updates and Info
Before break students edited and posted essays comparing adversities in the Middle Ages to today. We began our social studies prezi research and discussed the presidential primary race. We were somewhat slowed down by the sickness that took over our classroom - please feel free to stay home if you are ill as germs spread quickly in this class!

Don't forget about earning service learning hours as a requirement for graduation!

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