Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Newsletter: Social Skills and Volunteer Request

I've encouraged students to come talk to me and share social issues they notice at school. I've been able to help mediate many conflicts, but this can only happen with student participation. I have an Anonymous mailbox, and I respect confidentiality. I also encourage family members to shoot me an email or give a call if they have any concerns. This is a critical time period in your student's development as they learn how to navigate relationships with their peers successfully. I look forward to helping!
I also shared with students that tattling is to get someone in trouble and reporting is about keeping someone safe. Safety is paramount to our school atmosphere and it's important students take resposibility for reporting when necessary.

Upcoming Dates
§  April 22nd is a make-up snow day - no school.
§  April 29th is Show It Off Day beginning at 1:45pm.
§  8th graders Science test April 27th.
§  6th-8th ELA tests May 2nd-5th.
§  6th-8th Math tests May 18th, 19th, 23rd and 24th.

In ELA, students will finish writing a narrative of their own adversity and prepare to present it to the class.

In science, we will be looking at metamorphic rock.

In social studies, the final Meso-America presentations will be completed and students will be assessed on their learning.

Updates and Info
Students outlined and and began drafting their modern day adversity poems and monologues. We studied model monologues and poems for sequence, content, and context. Students presented their social studies Prezis! We spent time on Friday perfecting our drumming for the Show it Off Day performance.

Students received their coupons to purchase books from Scholastic on Wednesday. Orders are due tomorrow.

I'm looking for volunteers to help with graduation set up and clean up. If you are willing to help with set-up June 6th and June 7th or clean up June 9th or 10th, please let me know.

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