Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Newsletter: Show It Off!

I look forward to seeing you April 29th at 1:45 for our Show It Off  day. Students will begin with a drum performance and then show off all their projects and essays from the year.

This Wednesday, 8th graders will be taking the state test for Science.

Upcoming Dates
§  April 29th is Show It Off Day beginning at 1:45pm.
§  May 11th is a minimum  day with Awards Assembly.
§  8th graders Science test April 27th.
§  6th-8th ELA tests May 2nd-5th.
§  6th-8th Math tests May 18th, 19th, 23rd and 24th.

In ELA, students will finish writing a narrative of their own adversity and present it to the class.

In science, we will finish up metamorphic rock and the rock cycle.

In social studies, we will dive into the Rennaissance!

Updates and Info
Students brought so much creativity and thoughtfulness to their modern day adversity poems and monologues. We explored metamorphic rock and completed our social studies presentations and assessment on Meso-American civilizations.

Students discussed sugar content in drinks and advertising strategies during a presentation from a community nutrition expert entitled "Rethink your Drink." All the learning ended with a recipe and taste test of a delicious, healthy smoothie!

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