Monday, May 2, 2016

Newsletter: State Testing and Genius Time

This week, the students will be taking the ELA state test. Please encourage your child to get a good night's sleep and eat a nutritious breakfast to be prepared to bring their best brain energy!

Thank you to all of you who came to Show It Off Day. For those who couldn't make it, students took home their masks and allusion poems to share with you.

Upcoming Dates
§  6th-8th ELA tests May 2nd-5th.
§  May 11th is a minimum  day with Awards Assembly.
§  May 12th at 10:15, Ghidotti counselors will be visiting.
§  Math tests May 18th, 19th, 23rd and 24th.

In ELA, students will be focused on testing.

In science, we will take an assessment on metamorphic rocks and the rock cycle.

In social studies, we will dive into the Rennaissance!

Updates and Info
Students performed concrete poems and monologues, and I was very impressed with the creativity they included. We made a model for metamorphic rock with M&M's and celebrated their hard work with a dojo party.

We begin Genius Time this week! Ask your students what that means!

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