Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Newsletter: Guest Lecturer and Memorial Day

Final state testing in math will conclude this week. Please help your student show up well rested with a nutritious breakfast.

Upcoming Dates
§  Memorial Day will be May 26th.
§  May 27th is a make-up snow day and there will be no school.
§  May 30th is Memorial Day and there will be no school.
§  June 7th is graduation starting at 6pm.
§  June 8th is a minimum day.
§  June 9th is Lake Day at Lake Francis.
In ELA, students will be focused on their chosen Genius Time projects.

In science, we are still exploring our universe.  

In social studies, we will continue on with the Rennaissance, Age of Exploration and the Enlightenment.

Updates and Info
Students welcomed guest lecturer and local astronomer Alan Stahler with great questions! We have been finishing up and listening to Genius Time presentations.

Please consider joining us this Memorial Day as we lead an observance for veterans and participate in a flag folding ceremony with members of the American Legion Post 130.

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