Monday, May 9, 2016

Newsletter: Memorial Day Invitation

Our annual Memorial Day event at the cemetary will be held May 26th. We will meet at 10:15 at the flag pole and walk to the cemetary. Veterans from American Legion Post 130 will be joining us and we invite you to as well.

Upcoming Dates
§  May 11th is a minimum  day with Awards Assembly.
§  May 12th at 10:15, Ghidotti counselors will be visiting.
§  Math tests May 18th, 19th, 23rd and 24th.
§  Memorial Day will be May 26th.

In ELA, students will be focused on their chosen Genius Time projects.

In science, we will be finishing up the year with the planetary and astrological sciences. 

In social studies, we will continue on with the Rennaissance!

Updates and Info
Students completed state testing in ELA, They brought a great amount of focus to the tasks they were presented. We also started learning about the Renaissance and took our final assessment on metamorphic rock, mountains, and the rock cycle.

It's been very exciting to see the topics students to choose to study for their Genius Time projects.

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