Monday, March 23, 2015

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Spring break is right around the corner! Please note, we have this Friday and Monday, April 6th  off school.  I do not assign homework over break except for independent reading. Please continue to initial logs for reading. This is an excellent time to finish up a book and earn some AR points when we arrive back from break.

Look for Reading Marathon information coming home this week. We will be having our kick-off day this Thursday. My students will be pairing up with the K-1-2 students for a fun activity!

I’m so proud of how much students are learning about their brains! We’ve been reading some pretty dense informational text, and they’ve really risen to the challenge. We also performed a short reader’s theater performance of what’s going on inside the brain – we had axons, dendrites, myelin and even a neurotransmitter! At this point, students should be able to describe to you how they’re brains make (and break!) pathways and which part of their brains are more or less developed.

Interactive Website on Brain Growth

Additionally, in ELA, we have been focusing on academic vocabulary words that will likely show up on the state test. Overall, I’m pleased with the class test results on these “million dollar words”. We will continue with these when we get back, and I appreciate your help studying at home with your child. The new state assessments put a lot more emphasis on doing and showing (rather than memorization). Therefore, it is extra important students understand what they are being asked to do by understanding the vocabulary.

In history, we are headed into ancient Rome, and in science, we are looking at the relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide and climate change.

Our third trimester electives have started out very successfully. We are winding down Genius Hour in my class to prioritize other independent learning activities which I will be plotting over spring break!

Take care and thanks for your support,

 Maggie Orion

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Class Update

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We have two more weeks of school before Spring Break. During that time, we will continue focusing on academic vocabulary and persuasive writing. Please note that we have make-up snow days March 27th and April 6th, extending our break by two days.

Our whole school outing to the theater was successful. It was great to see young actors on the stage and then enjoy a sunny afternoon at Pioneer Park for lunch.

Students have been working on their REACH reflection which will be published soon.

Our Reading Marathon Kickoff will be March 26th. Students will be asked to gather sponsors over spring break. More information coming home next week!

 Most students have not completed their service learning hours for the year. A few have not even begun! This is a requirement the board created for our class years ago, and it's important that students do the necessary hours. Also, students who go above and beyond become eligible for an award at graduation. Please check in with your child about whether they have more service learning hours and what activities they would like to do to complete them. Students can finish these hours before or after school, with an elderly neighbor, or volunteering at local businesses. 

We are continuing our discussion on the adolescent brain and how it needs special care! If you'd like to watch a great Frontline documentary discussing the mysteries of what's going on in your child's head, check out this website.

Finally, the boundary between social media and school continues to remain too thin for comfort. Please check that your students are not bringing cell phones or iPods to school. Unfortunately, we've been notified that students are sneaking photos at school and on the bus and posting them onto Facebook and other sites. Discuss with your students that school is not the place for social media updates as it breaches trust. I've already discussed with students that this behavior reduces my willingness to plan fun, extracurricular activities. 

Thanks and take care!

Maggie Orion

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

First off, our class was in The Union newspaper. The editor, Brian Hamilton, came to speak with Camptonville community members the week before last and stopped by for an impromptu interview and discussion with the 6th, 7th and 8th graders on the third day of the mechanical baby adventure. He was genuinely impressed with our students. Read the article here.

Next, REACH 2015 was great. Students challenged themselves physically, emotionally, and mentally throughout the three-day conference. It was exhilarating and exhausting – I hope they got a chance to rest up! Pictures will be posted on the blog soon!

Report cards should have been received last week as well as assessment scores for reading and math. Also, elective forms were sent home. Please direct questions or concerns my way.

This Wednesday we have our monthly awards assembly and school will be out at 12:45. On Friday, the whole school will be heading out to watch the play Iolanthe. Please make sure the permission slip and $5 for the ticket has been sent with your student.

Meanwhile, in the realm of academics, we are taking a break from weekly spelling tests to focus on our academic vocabulary in ELA. We will be taking vocabulary tests on Fridays now. In social studies, we are wrapping up Greek history with Alexander the Great. In health, we are looking at the mysteries of the adolescent brain to discover how and why it works differently than the adult brain. I strongly encourage you to discuss this topic with your child and perhaps do a little research yourself. This website was created by two local teachers and does a great job explaining adolescent brain physiology and how they learn! Students have already had a chance to peruse this site. 
Thanks and take care!

Maggie Orion

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome to the third trimester. We ended last week celebrating a dojo party, saying goodbye to the mechanical babies, and organizing desks and binders for a fresh start this trimester.

Report cards will be coming home this Wednesday along with returned work. If you would like a print out of the scores for all work in each class, please contact me.

Please be reminded that we will be leaving for REACH this Thursday morning and returning Saturday evening. Your student should bring their bedding to school on Wednesday. Packs and suitcases should be here Thursday morning. If your student is not attending REACH, they are still expected to be in school Thursday and Friday. They will be given assignments they are responsible for completing during that time.

I’m very proud of our whole class for handling the mechanical babies with care and showing kindness and consideration to each other despite being under slept and over stressed. The sixth graders were very helpful to the older students by carrying diaper bags and acting as babysitters.

Thank you for your support!

Maggie Orion