Sunday, March 1, 2015

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome to the third trimester. We ended last week celebrating a dojo party, saying goodbye to the mechanical babies, and organizing desks and binders for a fresh start this trimester.

Report cards will be coming home this Wednesday along with returned work. If you would like a print out of the scores for all work in each class, please contact me.

Please be reminded that we will be leaving for REACH this Thursday morning and returning Saturday evening. Your student should bring their bedding to school on Wednesday. Packs and suitcases should be here Thursday morning. If your student is not attending REACH, they are still expected to be in school Thursday and Friday. They will be given assignments they are responsible for completing during that time.

I’m very proud of our whole class for handling the mechanical babies with care and showing kindness and consideration to each other despite being under slept and over stressed. The sixth graders were very helpful to the older students by carrying diaper bags and acting as babysitters.

Thank you for your support!

Maggie Orion

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