Sunday, March 8, 2015

Class Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

First off, our class was in The Union newspaper. The editor, Brian Hamilton, came to speak with Camptonville community members the week before last and stopped by for an impromptu interview and discussion with the 6th, 7th and 8th graders on the third day of the mechanical baby adventure. He was genuinely impressed with our students. Read the article here.

Next, REACH 2015 was great. Students challenged themselves physically, emotionally, and mentally throughout the three-day conference. It was exhilarating and exhausting – I hope they got a chance to rest up! Pictures will be posted on the blog soon!

Report cards should have been received last week as well as assessment scores for reading and math. Also, elective forms were sent home. Please direct questions or concerns my way.

This Wednesday we have our monthly awards assembly and school will be out at 12:45. On Friday, the whole school will be heading out to watch the play Iolanthe. Please make sure the permission slip and $5 for the ticket has been sent with your student.

Meanwhile, in the realm of academics, we are taking a break from weekly spelling tests to focus on our academic vocabulary in ELA. We will be taking vocabulary tests on Fridays now. In social studies, we are wrapping up Greek history with Alexander the Great. In health, we are looking at the mysteries of the adolescent brain to discover how and why it works differently than the adult brain. I strongly encourage you to discuss this topic with your child and perhaps do a little research yourself. This website was created by two local teachers and does a great job explaining adolescent brain physiology and how they learn! Students have already had a chance to peruse this site. 
Thanks and take care!

Maggie Orion

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