Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Newsletter: Final Grades and Service Learning

Welcome back from a long weekend.

Final grades will be computed this weekend so all projects, homework, and make-up work is due this Friday.

Service Learning hours are due this Friday. Students are required to finish their service learning hours to graduate.

Upcoming Dates
§  June 7th is graduation starting at 6pm.
§  June 8th is a minimum day.
§  June 9th is Lake Day at Lake Francis

In ELA, final Genius Time presentations will be completed.

In science, we are still exploring our universe.  

In social studies, we will continue on with the Rennaissance, Age of Exploration and the Enlightenment.

Updates and Info
Students lead a beautiful Memorial Day observance at the cemetary, and we were so honored to have American Legion Post 130 join us. Students have really honed their note taking skills and Genius Time project presentations have been very interesting.

State testing is OVER! All students brought focus and attention to testing. Scores should be mailed to you over summer.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Newsletter: Guest Lecturer and Memorial Day

Final state testing in math will conclude this week. Please help your student show up well rested with a nutritious breakfast.

Upcoming Dates
§  Memorial Day will be May 26th.
§  May 27th is a make-up snow day and there will be no school.
§  May 30th is Memorial Day and there will be no school.
§  June 7th is graduation starting at 6pm.
§  June 8th is a minimum day.
§  June 9th is Lake Day at Lake Francis.
In ELA, students will be focused on their chosen Genius Time projects.

In science, we are still exploring our universe.  

In social studies, we will continue on with the Rennaissance, Age of Exploration and the Enlightenment.

Updates and Info
Students welcomed guest lecturer and local astronomer Alan Stahler with great questions! We have been finishing up and listening to Genius Time presentations.

Please consider joining us this Memorial Day as we lead an observance for veterans and participate in a flag folding ceremony with members of the American Legion Post 130.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Newsletter: Math Testing and Graduation

Progress Reports were sent home. Please sign student planners to confirm having received the report.

State math testing kicks off this week. Please help your student show up well rested with a nutritious breakfast.

Upcoming Dates
§  Math tests May 18th, 19th, 23rd and 24th.
§  Memorial Day will be May 26th.
§  May 27th is a make-up snow day and there will be no school.
§  May 30th is Memorial Day and there will be no school.
§  June 7th is graduation starting at 6pm.
§  June 8th is a minimum day.
§  June 9th is Lake Day

In ELA, students will be focused on their chosen Genius Time projects.

In science, we are welcoming local astronomer Alan Stahler into the classroom for some exciting astronomy discussion.  

In social studies, we will continue on with the Rennaissance, Age of Exploration and the Enlightenment.

Updates and Info
Students had some mind bending discussions regarding the size of the earth relative to the solar system. We learned about how silver from South America transformed the world's economy during the Rennaissance. Students have been  focused on Genius Time research. We had a productive conversation with Ghidotti counselors.

6th and 7th grade families, it is tradition for the younger students to bring a finger food for 8th grade graduation. Please indicate what type of food you will send with your student June 7th. It can be brought to the school or graduation at 6 pm. The dance will be held from 7-9pm. Thank you in advance for supporting graduation!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Newsletter: Memorial Day Invitation

Our annual Memorial Day event at the cemetary will be held May 26th. We will meet at 10:15 at the flag pole and walk to the cemetary. Veterans from American Legion Post 130 will be joining us and we invite you to as well.

Upcoming Dates
§  May 11th is a minimum  day with Awards Assembly.
§  May 12th at 10:15, Ghidotti counselors will be visiting.
§  Math tests May 18th, 19th, 23rd and 24th.
§  Memorial Day will be May 26th.

In ELA, students will be focused on their chosen Genius Time projects.

In science, we will be finishing up the year with the planetary and astrological sciences. 

In social studies, we will continue on with the Rennaissance!

Updates and Info
Students completed state testing in ELA, They brought a great amount of focus to the tasks they were presented. We also started learning about the Renaissance and took our final assessment on metamorphic rock, mountains, and the rock cycle.

It's been very exciting to see the topics students to choose to study for their Genius Time projects.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Newsletter: State Testing and Genius Time

This week, the students will be taking the ELA state test. Please encourage your child to get a good night's sleep and eat a nutritious breakfast to be prepared to bring their best brain energy!

Thank you to all of you who came to Show It Off Day. For those who couldn't make it, students took home their masks and allusion poems to share with you.

Upcoming Dates
§  6th-8th ELA tests May 2nd-5th.
§  May 11th is a minimum  day with Awards Assembly.
§  May 12th at 10:15, Ghidotti counselors will be visiting.
§  Math tests May 18th, 19th, 23rd and 24th.

In ELA, students will be focused on testing.

In science, we will take an assessment on metamorphic rocks and the rock cycle.

In social studies, we will dive into the Rennaissance!

Updates and Info
Students performed concrete poems and monologues, and I was very impressed with the creativity they included. We made a model for metamorphic rock with M&M's and celebrated their hard work with a dojo party.

We begin Genius Time this week! Ask your students what that means!