Monday, October 3, 2016

Newsletter 10/3-10/7

Picture day is October 4th.
Upcoming Dates
  • Picture day is October 4th
  • Wednesday, October 12th is a minimum day.
  • October Break runs from Oct. 17 - Oct. 21 
In ELA, students will continue our unit on Frederick Douglass’ narrative.

In social studies, we will continue by looking at the Native populations here and the subsequent contact with European colonizers.

In science, we will be working with the local forest service on understanding our watershed ecology and learning more about the organization of different life systems.

Updates and Info

We spotted a ringtail cat and an opossum on our Carnivore Cam! We began reading the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, a very complicated and eloquent piece of writing. In social studies we looked at the arrival of Columbus to the Americas and discussed different perceptions of that event. We enjoyed great discussions surrounding the presidential debate, and had our first soccer scrimmage. 

Students are doing a great job rising to challenges and being their own best problem solvers.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Newsletter 9/26-9/30

Just keep up study habits at home! It is very helpful if you sign student planner even if you are signing for zero minutes of reading. 

Upcoming Dates
  • Wednesday, September 28th is a minimum day.
  • Picture day is October 4th
  • Wednesday, October 12th is a minimum day.
  • October Break runs from Oct. 17 - Oct. 21 
In ELA, students will continue our unit on Frederick Douglass’ narrative.

In social studies, we will begin by looking at the Native populations here and the subsequent contact with European colonizers.

In science, we will be working the local forest service on understanding our watershed ecology and learning more about the organization of different life systems.
Updates and Info

We earned over $1100  from our Run-Walk-A-Thon! Thank you to families and communities for supporting our extracurricular activities! This week students drew conclusions about slavery and the abolition movement from articles we read in English. In science, we reflected on our field trip and learned about the organization of life. During social studies, we read about the different Native American groups in North America in 1500.

Come check out our display of photos, paragraphs and thank you notes generated by the field trip!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Newsletter 9/19-9/23


A big THANK YOU to all the parents and adult volunteers who helped make our field trip so fun and safe!

Funds earned for the Run-Walk-A-Thon were due today. Please make sure students turn in all monies earned.

Keep checking the student planners for reading minutes. Remember 100 minutes is an A+, 90 minutes is an A-, 80 minutes is a B-, and so on.

Upcoming Dates
  • Wednesday, September 28th is a minimum day.
  • Picture day is October 4th
  • Wednesday, October 12th is a minimum day.
  • October Break runs from Oct. 17 - Oct. 21 

In ELA, students will continue our unit on Frederick Douglas’ narrative as well as write about the field trip.

In social studies, we will begin by looking at the Native populations here and the subsequent contact with European colonizers.

In science, we will be working the local forest service on understanding our watershed ecology.

Updates and Info

Our Sierra Buttes field trip was a success! Students learned about mining, watershed ecology, and how to set up a tent! We had so much playing, hiking, eating, and sharing stories. Thanks for your support and sending your students prepared. The hike was challenging but sitting at 8500 feet eating sandwiches in the sun was worth it!

Many of you have expressed interest in my philosophy around working with teenagers and dealing with classroom management. I have depended on a program called Love and Logic to help understand students’ needs and respond to issues as they arise. 

I know that parenting during this time can take on extra challenges, and I saw a flyer announcing a Love and Logic class for parents offered in Grass Valley so just wanted to pass on the information for those interested. It starts this week and runs from 5:30-8:00 pm on Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, Oct. 12, 26, and Nov. 2nd. Register by emailing

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Newsletter: 9/12-9/16

I am sending home the amount of money students need to collect for the Run-Walk-A-Thon. Funds will be due September 19th though we, of course, will accept money earlier!

Please consult packing list and send equipment to school Wednesday, September 14th. 
Upcoming Dates
  • Wednesday, September 14th is a minimum day. School releases at 12:45
  • September 15-16 is a field trip to the Sierra Buttes
  • Wednesday, September 28th is a minimum day.
  • Wednesday, October 12th is a minimum day.
  • October Break runs from Oct. 17 - Oct. 21
In ELA, students will begin our new unit on Frederick Douglas’ narrative.

In social studies, we will begin by looking at the Native populations here and the subsequent contact with European colonizers.

In science, we will be working the local forest service on understanding our watershed ecology.

Updates and Info

Students ran a collective 49.5 miles during our Run-Walk-A Thon! We built our understanding of the historical context surrounding Frederick Douglass autobiography, sequenced important events in U.S. history, and had a very successful first field trip with the Forest Service installing a carnivore camera!

Reminder, I’ll be calling home on Friday, September 16th to let you know when we will arrive back at school after our day of hiking. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Newsletter 8/29-9/2

Thank you to those of you who were able to come to Back To School Night. It was great to see your faces. 

If you couldn’t make it, please consider signing up for JupiterEd to see your students’ grades. I sent home a half-sheet with sign up information. If you need any support, please stop by, and I can get you signed up. 

Please continue to sign the “Student Planner” sheets nightly.

If you are able to drive from 10-1 on Sept. 8 or on our overnight field trip Sept. 15-16, please let me know!
Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, September 5th, there is no school for Labor Day. 
  • Thursday, September 8th, we’ll be on a field trip from 10-1.
  • Friday, September 9th is our important fundraising Run-Walk-a-thon event
  • September 15-16 is a field trip to the Sierra Buttes
  • Wednesday, September 14th is a minimum day. School releases at 12:45
  • Wednesday, September 28th is a minimum day. 
Electives begin this week! 

In ELA, students will finish their own Tall Tale and publish to the blog.

Social Studies this year is focused on United States history. We will begin by looking at the Native populations here and the subsequent contact with European colonizers.

This year we are doing life science and will begin by looking at the criteria for life and how it is organized.
Information and Updates
Students read Tall Tales, sequenced important events in U.S. history, and began math. They developed an impressive list of interview questions and practiced their first interview on Friday. We also had our first music class which was a success. 

More details regarding the overnight field trip will be forthcoming. We will be visiting Kentucky Mine on our way up, and I will need 1-2 parent chaperones to accompany us and drive.

If you can donate food for our camping trip, September 15-16, please let me know. Donations of cereal, bagels, cream cheese, bread, peanut butter, jelly, fruit, pre-cut veggies, snack bars, or trail mix would be greatly appreciated. If you know you are able to bring these, you can send them now or let me know that you can get items before the trip - just send a note with your student.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Welcome back! Newsletters will be distributed the first day of the school week and include a lot of important information. Check with your student to ensure you are getting prompt delivery. Or check the class blog!

Student Planners have not been delivered yet but will be arriving soon! Please sign the homework sheets your students are bringing home. 

I can’t wait to see you at Back To School Night on Thursday the 25th! Dinner at 5 pm and my class presentation at 7pm.

Upcoming Dates
  • Thursday, August 25th is a minimum day. School releases at 12:45. Back To School Night in the evening at 7pm.
  • Monday, September 5th, there is no school for labor Day. 
  • Wednesday, September 14th is a minimum day. School releases at 12:45
  • Wednesday, September 28th is a minimum day. 
Everything is new!

In ELA, we are beginning a unit on slavery and will read excerpts from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass.

Social Studies this year is focused on United States history. We will begin by looking at the Native populations here and the subsequent contact with European colonizers.

This year we are doing life science and will begin by looking at the criteria for life and how it is organized.

Updates and Info
Students have already been successful learners, problem solvers, and self-managers! We are also practicing how to be reflective and aware of our own selves and learning styles. Ask  your student what type of intelligence he or she is strongest in.

It is a tremendous help to the class to have parent and caregiver involvement and support. I’m currently scheduling field trips and will be in need of transportation help from families since we do not have access to the bus. If you are able to help out in the classroom or with tasks outside of the classroom, please sign up on the accompanying list and have your student return it to me. 

This year, I’m recognizing that I need a parent/caregiver scheduler - someone who can meet and email with me and then act as a liaison between the needs of the classroom and families.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Newsletter: Final Grades and Service Learning

Welcome back from a long weekend.

Final grades will be computed this weekend so all projects, homework, and make-up work is due this Friday.

Service Learning hours are due this Friday. Students are required to finish their service learning hours to graduate.

Upcoming Dates
§  June 7th is graduation starting at 6pm.
§  June 8th is a minimum day.
§  June 9th is Lake Day at Lake Francis

In ELA, final Genius Time presentations will be completed.

In science, we are still exploring our universe.  

In social studies, we will continue on with the Rennaissance, Age of Exploration and the Enlightenment.

Updates and Info
Students lead a beautiful Memorial Day observance at the cemetary, and we were so honored to have American Legion Post 130 join us. Students have really honed their note taking skills and Genius Time project presentations have been very interesting.

State testing is OVER! All students brought focus and attention to testing. Scores should be mailed to you over summer.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Newsletter: Guest Lecturer and Memorial Day

Final state testing in math will conclude this week. Please help your student show up well rested with a nutritious breakfast.

Upcoming Dates
§  Memorial Day will be May 26th.
§  May 27th is a make-up snow day and there will be no school.
§  May 30th is Memorial Day and there will be no school.
§  June 7th is graduation starting at 6pm.
§  June 8th is a minimum day.
§  June 9th is Lake Day at Lake Francis.
In ELA, students will be focused on their chosen Genius Time projects.

In science, we are still exploring our universe.  

In social studies, we will continue on with the Rennaissance, Age of Exploration and the Enlightenment.

Updates and Info
Students welcomed guest lecturer and local astronomer Alan Stahler with great questions! We have been finishing up and listening to Genius Time presentations.

Please consider joining us this Memorial Day as we lead an observance for veterans and participate in a flag folding ceremony with members of the American Legion Post 130.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Newsletter: Math Testing and Graduation

Progress Reports were sent home. Please sign student planners to confirm having received the report.

State math testing kicks off this week. Please help your student show up well rested with a nutritious breakfast.

Upcoming Dates
§  Math tests May 18th, 19th, 23rd and 24th.
§  Memorial Day will be May 26th.
§  May 27th is a make-up snow day and there will be no school.
§  May 30th is Memorial Day and there will be no school.
§  June 7th is graduation starting at 6pm.
§  June 8th is a minimum day.
§  June 9th is Lake Day

In ELA, students will be focused on their chosen Genius Time projects.

In science, we are welcoming local astronomer Alan Stahler into the classroom for some exciting astronomy discussion.  

In social studies, we will continue on with the Rennaissance, Age of Exploration and the Enlightenment.

Updates and Info
Students had some mind bending discussions regarding the size of the earth relative to the solar system. We learned about how silver from South America transformed the world's economy during the Rennaissance. Students have been  focused on Genius Time research. We had a productive conversation with Ghidotti counselors.

6th and 7th grade families, it is tradition for the younger students to bring a finger food for 8th grade graduation. Please indicate what type of food you will send with your student June 7th. It can be brought to the school or graduation at 6 pm. The dance will be held from 7-9pm. Thank you in advance for supporting graduation!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Newsletter: Memorial Day Invitation

Our annual Memorial Day event at the cemetary will be held May 26th. We will meet at 10:15 at the flag pole and walk to the cemetary. Veterans from American Legion Post 130 will be joining us and we invite you to as well.

Upcoming Dates
§  May 11th is a minimum  day with Awards Assembly.
§  May 12th at 10:15, Ghidotti counselors will be visiting.
§  Math tests May 18th, 19th, 23rd and 24th.
§  Memorial Day will be May 26th.

In ELA, students will be focused on their chosen Genius Time projects.

In science, we will be finishing up the year with the planetary and astrological sciences. 

In social studies, we will continue on with the Rennaissance!

Updates and Info
Students completed state testing in ELA, They brought a great amount of focus to the tasks they were presented. We also started learning about the Renaissance and took our final assessment on metamorphic rock, mountains, and the rock cycle.

It's been very exciting to see the topics students to choose to study for their Genius Time projects.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Newsletter: State Testing and Genius Time

This week, the students will be taking the ELA state test. Please encourage your child to get a good night's sleep and eat a nutritious breakfast to be prepared to bring their best brain energy!

Thank you to all of you who came to Show It Off Day. For those who couldn't make it, students took home their masks and allusion poems to share with you.

Upcoming Dates
§  6th-8th ELA tests May 2nd-5th.
§  May 11th is a minimum  day with Awards Assembly.
§  May 12th at 10:15, Ghidotti counselors will be visiting.
§  Math tests May 18th, 19th, 23rd and 24th.

In ELA, students will be focused on testing.

In science, we will take an assessment on metamorphic rocks and the rock cycle.

In social studies, we will dive into the Rennaissance!

Updates and Info
Students performed concrete poems and monologues, and I was very impressed with the creativity they included. We made a model for metamorphic rock with M&M's and celebrated their hard work with a dojo party.

We begin Genius Time this week! Ask your students what that means!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Newsletter: Show It Off!

I look forward to seeing you April 29th at 1:45 for our Show It Off  day. Students will begin with a drum performance and then show off all their projects and essays from the year.

This Wednesday, 8th graders will be taking the state test for Science.

Upcoming Dates
§  April 29th is Show It Off Day beginning at 1:45pm.
§  May 11th is a minimum  day with Awards Assembly.
§  8th graders Science test April 27th.
§  6th-8th ELA tests May 2nd-5th.
§  6th-8th Math tests May 18th, 19th, 23rd and 24th.

In ELA, students will finish writing a narrative of their own adversity and present it to the class.

In science, we will finish up metamorphic rock and the rock cycle.

In social studies, we will dive into the Rennaissance!

Updates and Info
Students brought so much creativity and thoughtfulness to their modern day adversity poems and monologues. We explored metamorphic rock and completed our social studies presentations and assessment on Meso-American civilizations.

Students discussed sugar content in drinks and advertising strategies during a presentation from a community nutrition expert entitled "Rethink your Drink." All the learning ended with a recipe and taste test of a delicious, healthy smoothie!